Research Economist at the Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA) in Brasília, Brazil.
Founder of IpeaDATA-lab, a laboratory that integrates the administrative records of the Brazilian federal government and uses this data to evaluate public policies.
M.A. in Economics, 2011
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro
B.A. in Economics, 2007
Universidade de São Paulo
PDF Slides Converage: Brazilian Senate Testimony (with video, starts at 41m00s) Previous version: Can business input improve the effectiveness of worker training? evidence from Brazil's Pronatec-MDIC, Wold Bank WP 8155, set/2017
(mostly in Portuguese)
Advanced R, private firm (2016)
Intermediate Stata, IPEA (2011, 2012, 2014)
Introduction to R for social scientists, SDH (2014)